Jul 2, 2009

Miss U Now!!!

'This is dedicated to some of my special friends who feel the same when they read this.'

I miss U now when I find no one around me for a company.

I miss U when I have something to share and finding no one.

I can't explain how much I miss U because even I don't know how much I do.

Time brought us together, but the same time took U away from me.

I don't know whether the same time may bring U back to me some day.

I'm learing to adjust with what I get than wasting my life fighting for what I want.

Missing is a rare feeling one can experience only if they have someone close to their heart.

I find time to say I miss U because it reminds me I posses someone special.

Missing is always good, I miss U just because I didn't loose U.

I feel happy every time I miss U because I still miss U.

"In my busy life, I find time to tell U


Because I want to make sure that U will

Remember me atleast when I say that."

Jul 1, 2009

Loneliness - An Analysis

Loneliness is the feeling of being alone. In my opinion, Loneliness can be of two types. When no one is around, we call it as loneliness. I like to call it as Physical Loneliness. The next one is the concept called as 'Alone in the Crowd'. I like to call it as Mental Loneliness.

Physical loneliness is a bit painful sometimes. But there are situations when we may long for loneliness. We may even enjoy loneliness at some point of time. But its a bit hard to digest mental loneliness. To be in a group not considered by others may be even more painful than living a thousand years alone.

The best way to overcome loneliness is to find happiness in yourself and not in others. Let 'you' be the soul of your feelings. Don't allow anyone to be the reason for that. Let anything and everything around you contribute to your happiness, but never make them the source for the same. They may increase or decrease your happiness, but never allow them to create or destroy it in you.

The reason why I said so is that, it will help you to discover the 'Inner You'. You will start finding positive qualities in yourself and admire yourself for the great things you do even before others do so.

When you look even deeper, you will find that you are the only textbook which explains what you are. But it may not be your complete reference book or encyclopedia. It contains the information you know about yourself. It may be limited or even peripheral depending on the effort you took to understand yourself.

So in my opinion, you need to publish newer versions frequently that it can help you when situations come. To know more about you, you need to look into yourself and think deeply why you are you. It will give you answers for the questions you have never asked and even thought of. It will automatically update your textbook in a way that you can understand others in a better way.

I know, after reading this you would have come to a conclusion that I'm out of my mind. If you start thinking like this, the world will say the same thing about you also. But the real fact is that you are not out of mind, you are in the mind. Deep in the mind!!!

I don't know whether you will agree with me or not. I'm interested in knowing your opinion about what I wrote. You can express it as a comment below this or even mail me at chinturj@gmail.com

Jun 24, 2009

What "It's" All About???

Day after Day, Year after Year
I use to think, What "It's" all about.
Tears never say good bye.
Smile never remains so long.
I meet many like clouds on the sky.
The wind of fate carry them all.
Nothing I come across remains the same.
Everything get changed into memories.
Still everyday I use to think
What LIFE is all about...!

Apr 14, 2009

യാത്രാമൊഴി (Malayalam)

പിരിയുന്ന നേരത്തെ പിടയുന്ന നെഞ്ഞകം

പതിവായി ഓര്‍ത്തു ഞാന്‍ പലനാള്‍ കരഞ്ഞു.

പണ്ടു ഞാന്‍ വന്നതും പഠനത്തില്‍ ആണ്ടതും

പിന്നീടതെപ്പഴോ പാടായി തീര്‍ന്നതും.

പിണങ്ങുവാന്‍ ഇണങ്ങുവാന്‍ പുന്നാരം ചൊല്ലുവാന്‍

പിരിയില്ലെനോതിയ പല നല്ല കൂട്ടരും.

പിരിയുന്ന നേരത്തും പല നല്ല താളുകള്‍ പോല്‍

പതിവായി ഓര്‍മ്മയില്‍ മിന്നി പുഞ്ചിരി തൂകും ഇവയെല്ലാം.

പെട്ടെന്ന് വിട്ടങ്ങു പോണമെന്നോര്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍

പൊട്ടികരയുവാന്നല്ലാതെ പിന്നെന്തിനാകും എനിക്ക്?

പിന്നെയും ഓര്‍ത്തോര്‍ത്തു ഞാന്‍ ഇരുന്നു പിന്നിട്ട നാളുകള്‍ ഇനി എത്തുമോ?

പറയാതെ പൊഴിയുന്ന അശ്രുകള്‍ പോലും പിന്നിട്ട നാള്കള്‍  തന്‍ സുഖം പകരും.

പോകുന്ന നേരത്തും പതറാത്ത സ്വരവുമായ്

പിടയാത്ത നെഞ്ഞുമായ് പോയിവാ എന്നേ ചൊല്ലാനാകൂ.

Feb 19, 2009

What's there in Myanmar???

I got a chance to visit Myanmar for a day. It was beyond imagination. Somehow it became a reality one fine day. We, a group of six, crossed the check gates of India to Step into a foreign country.

But for our suprise the place looked like a village in our country. The main features there was 'The Lake of No Return' which has historic importance and a 'buddhist temple'.

The Burmeese market was the main thing of the cross border journey. The Indian currency is dear to them than their money. The 'burmeese cigerrette' is well known in India. 'Burmeese sword' which is a famous drawing room decorator in Indian houses.

It shaped my concepts and ideas on different aspects of life. It was not what I expected. But it was informative and inspiring.

There is something which we can learn from everything we do or come across. We may find it silly or useless. But you may not understand the changes it make in your life or attitudes. So find time to enjoy whatever you do. That may be the invisible hands which makes a better you.

Method to Open Windows Explorer from Command Prompt

Method 1

Its easy to jump to a dirve or a location in cmd by giving the command C: , D: etc. But have you ever thought of opening a window like 'My Computer' with a command in CMD?

It is very simple. Try typing the command "explorer" without quotes. You will be shocked to see your 'My Documents' window displayed.

But duing my search to open other locations directly with the same command, I found something interesting.

Try typing "explorer," without quotes. You will find your 'My Computer' window poping. Try typing "explorer,.". You will get a different output. It changes with the changes you make with the symbols.

To open other locations you can type the location after the word explorer with a space or a coma. Eg: explorer c:\windows or explorer,c:\windows

This commands are working in 'Run' box also. But the commands with symbols may not work.

Rest is left to you. Keep trying different symbols and explore more.....

Method 2

The "start" also can be used for opening a window from CMD.
Syntax: start c:

This will do the same job of explorer.

My Other Blogs!!!